Break the Stigma of Best-Before Dates

photo of Evie holding bag of crackers motioning why with shrugged shoulders


Did you know that perfectly edible food is often thrown away just because it's close to its best-before or sell-by date, even though this date is not an expiration date? It is simply a guideline to the product's ultimate freshness.

Most products close to their best-before dates (and even after this date) are perfectly good to consume, maintaining their freshness, taste, or intended use. But, because people confuse best-before dates with expiration dates, millions of tons of products end up going to waste.

The truth is, buying shelf-stable products close to their best-before dates is a smart way to save money and reduce waste.

The hard truth

Facts you likely didn't know:

No Regulation

There is no requirement for regulation or inspection of best-before dates, with the exception of infant formula.


Nearly 4 MILLION TONS of food waste is due to confusion over the meaning of these dates.


Best-before dates are meant to be used as a general guideline on ultimate freshness, not as an expiry.


160 BILLION POUNDS of wasted food ends up in the landfills. About 40% of this occurs in the home!


Grocery prices at an all-time high. This has increased the barriers that exist in preventing access to better-for-you products and making better food and lifestyle choices.

If this wasn't bad enough, nearly 4 MILLION TONS of food waste in the US is attributed directly to consumer confusion over best-before dates on labels.

Let's break the cycle and make an effort to reduce waste by buying short-dated food and products.

What brands are saying:

“Food waste is something we are not proud of and there aren’t a lot of solutions that are great for brands”

– Best Before Market Brand Partner

“I love this concept! Even when we volunteer at food banks I hate the amount of food that gets thrown out because of dates or a slight bruise. I agree we need to change the mindset of best-before dates."

– Best Before Market Brand Partner

"I think it’s great your company is actively trying to curb food waste within the U.S."

– Best Before Market Brand Partner

"I couldn't be more excited about this initiative! In today's economy, where every dollar counts, and sustainability is becoming a top priority, your platform is both timely and necessary. I can personally relate to the challenges surrounding best-before dates and the resulting waste. We, too, have experienced this issue within our own business and are eager to contribute to a more sustainable solution."

– Best Before Market Brand Partner


It's time to break away from the stigma of purchasing and consuming products close to their best-before dates, so that products don't get thrown away for no good reason!

The idea that short-dated products are somehow undesirable is totally bogus. In reality, buying products close to their best before date can be a great way to save money and rescue products from the landfill.

Best-before dates don't mean what you thought they did. Truthfully, they don't mean much at all. But as we start educating and spreading the word, together we have a chance to really make a difference.

An important note:

When a shelf-stable product is properly handled and stored based on its instructions, it is perfectly good to consume/use, even after the best-before date, in most cases.

However, with any product, regardless of the best-before date, you should evaluate the quality of the product prior to its consumption to determine if the product shows signs of spoilage, in which case it should not be consumed.